Nov 192016

I was looking for a recipe of something my grandma made. She called it “Gebackenes Zeug” which unfortunately is not a proper name. it contained Quark and mashed potatoes, but that’s all I knew. But today I found something which is at least similar if not identical except for the shape: Sächsische Quarkkeulchen. Here the recipe:

Zutaten für die Quarkkeulchen
500g Pellkartoffeln
500g abgetropfter Magerquark
150g Mehl
40g Zucker
70g Rumrosinen
Mark von ½ Vanilleschote
1 Eigelb
Abrieb von ½ Zitrone
Butterschmalz zum Braten
Puderzucker zum Bestäuben

Zubereitung der sächsischen Quarkkeulchen
1.    Die Kartoffeln weichkochen, pellen und durch die Kartoffelpresse drücken. Mit den restlichen Zutaten zu einem Teig vermengen.
2.    Aus dem Teig gleichgroße Quarkkeulchen formen und in heißem Butterschmalz beidseitig goldgelb ausbraten. Kurz vorm Servieren alle Quarkkeulchen mit etwas Puderzucker bestreuen.

Taken from here. Being in Japan means: no Quark, so I used Philadelphia cream cheese. I also added ascorbic acid (AKA Vitamin C) to make it a bit sour. No rainsins as I had none. No egg as cream cheese has enough fat. No lemon since I had none. And I had to use normal butter instead of clarified butter. No powdered sugar either.

So I had to change it a lot and I only used 3 potatoes and about 150g cream cheese. Turned out to be tasty though and it’s definitely similar to “Gebackenes Zeug”.

Will try again. Will make pictures then.