Nov 062016

During today’s Dev Japan Meetup I finally had the time to do something I always wanted to do but never had time to implement: Create a fast link from an end-device (AKA browser or phone application) to my LED display. That display is a simple 10×10 WS2812 LEDs strip originally connected to an Arduino with a Bluetooth receiver, but replaced by a Wemos D1 mini flashed with Espruino since that has WiFi and more RAM.

Here the important (but incomplete) part of the Espruino program:

var host = "";
var WebSocket = require("ws");
var ws = new WebSocket(host,{
  path: '/',
  port: 8080, // default is 80
  protocol : "echo-protocol", // websocket protocol name (default is none)
  protocolVersion: 13, // websocket protocol version, default is 13
  origin: 'Espruino',
  keepAlive: 60

ws.on('open', function() {
  console.log("Connected to server");

ws.on('message', function(msg) {
  console.log("MSG: " + msg);
  if (msg == "R") {
    colorize(40, 10, 10);
  } else if (msg == "G") {
    colorize(10, 40, 10);
  } else if (msg == "B") {
    colorize(10, 10, 40);
  esp8266.neopixelWrite(NodeMCU.D4, leds);

The logic is as simple as it looks: connect to a WS server and wait for incoming messages. If it’s “R”, or “G”, or “B”, then colorize the LED array.

Here a section of the browser part:

var ws = new WebSocket("ws://");

ws.onopen = function(evt) {
  var conn_status = document.getElementById('conn_text');

ws.onmessage = function(evt) {
  var newMessage = document.createElement('p');
  newMessage.textContent = "Server: " +;

ws.onclose = function(evt) {
  alert ("Connection closed");

$(".color").click(function(evt) {

and the buttons look like

<button type="submit" class="color" val="R">Red</button>
<button type="submit" class="color" val="G">Green</button>
<button type="submit" class="color" val="B">Blue</button>

The one missing part is the websocket server in the middle which relays messages, which I took quite literally from here from the Espruino Websocket docs.

This is anything but clean code, and not yet a complete and instructive example application, but it’s the first step and a good proof-of-concept.

Next step is a web page to have a 10×10 grid of buttons which can be turned on/off by touching, and the corresponding commands are sent to the LED display.