Jul 162011
I got some sensors from my favorite local electronics shop and one of them was a temperature sensor. Analog output, so I can use it for an XBee too.
I connected it to my FunnelIO board I bought some time ago, and about 10min later I had the room temperature printed on my screen. I really like Arduino boards: while the CPU is very limited (1 KByte RAM, 14 kByte FLASH for user program), it gets simple things like this quickly done.
Here the loop of the test program:
// read the value from the sensor: sensorValue = analogRead(sensorPin); Serial.print("A0="); Serial.print(sensorValue); Serial.print(" = "); //temperature=((sensorValue*3300.0/1024.0)-600.0)/10.0; //Serial.print(temperature); temperature=(sensorValue*322)-60000; Serial.print(temperature/1000); Serial.println(" Celsius");
The LM61 outputs 600mV at 0°C and 10mV for each degree more (or less) from -25°C up to +85°C.