Jan 092011
Wuala on a Headless System

From my colleague Soren I heard first about Wuala. Did sound interesting back then. But I never found a use for it. I have a total of about 30G online storage space and hardly know how to use it. Too complex to connect to and too slow to use.

Recently when looking at PogoPlug Pro model, I found it quite intriguing as now I have a mobile Android device which could use it well. However The PogoPlug cannot be bought (via normal channels) in Japan. Or even sent to Japan. Curse you Amazon!  Buffalo to the rescue! Except theirs is not yet available. Looks promising though as it includes 2 disks already. I’ll look into this when it’s available.

If anyone wonders, what PogoPlug and Wuala have in common, then stop wondering. Not much beside the “storage” and “cloud”. They solve different problems.

Anway, that’s why I looked into Wuala again. And hey, it works quite well. Integration with Linux is great Shows up as a mounted filesystem. Speed is slow though. Time to upgrade that old ADSL into something more speedy.

Now the important message of this posting: How to make Wuala run on a headless server. The solution was found here and here. I used the latter. Works as advertised and starts up nicely in the background via screen.

What I am waiting for now is to connect to that Wuala instance from my notebook (see here in the Wuala forum).