Oct 162009
SH906i and Music

Found here: how to convert music files for SH906i (and similar phones).
Put those MMFxxxx.M4A files into private/docomo/mmfile/mud001/
You can create more mudxxx directories.


cd $1
ls|while read f
  echo Encoding: $f
  #len=`expr length $f`
  #len=`expr $len - 4`
  #ren=`expr substr $f 1 $len`

  # 名前をつけるMMF0001〜
  i=`expr $i + 1`
  name=`printf %04d $i`

  lame --decode $f $name.wav
  faac -w $name.wav
  rm $name.wav
  echo Encoded: $name.m4a

To play on the phone, go to databox/music/i-mode/mud001.
As it is, it works, but you ‘fly blind’ unless you remember what number is what song. But in this state it’s good enough to play music and thus it saves me to buy a separate music player.

PS: I found out that the limit is 400 songs per directory.