TTGO T-Eight and Espruino

TTGO T-Eight is a small ESP32 board from here. Small OLED, left/right/select input method, microSD slot, and 4 MB PSRAM, LiPo connector, plus of course WiFi/Bluetooth is a good combination of features. The problem as usual is the lack of documentation. The situation is even worse in this particular case:

  1. The official git repo is outdated and describes only the OLED part of the old revision of the board.
  2. There's an old and new revision of the board. Luckily the silkscreen is updated, but if you copy&paste old code, you'll be possibly surprised that it won't work.
  3. There's a TTGO T8 which is similar but different. They could have called it T9, or T8a or T8D.
  4. There's no schematics so finding out what connects to what pin is somewhere between "Trust the docs" and "Detective work"

Anyway, here is what I found:

  1. SDA/SCL is Pin 21/22 as printed on the silk screen (old version: 5 and 4)
  2. microSD would then be at 5/23/18/19 as per silk screen (untested)
  3. Input is Pin 37/38/39 for right/center/left
  4. 4 blue LEDs and one red LED on the back: no idea yet. Blue could be LiPo voltage, and red one simply power

So here a small minimal Espruino program which uses the display and which can read the buttons:

// TTGO T-Eight

I2C1.setup({sda: 21, scl: 22, bitrate: 400000});

function gstart(){
 g.drawString("Hello World!",2,2);

// I2C
var g = require("SH1106").connect(I2C1, gstart, {height:64});

// g.clear(); g.drawCircle(50, 32, 30); g.flip();

// Note: pushing will trigger several times (for repeat: true)
// Need to software de-bounce

setWatch(function(e) {
}, D37, { repeat: false, edge: "falling"});

setWatch(function(e) {
}, D38, { repeat: false, edge: "falling"});

setWatch(function(e) {
}, D39, { repeat: false, edge: "falling"});